Over the course of my homebirthing self education, through books, internet and chats with others who've had / been involved in / are planning a homebirth, I've moved from a feeling of wariness (being sure that hospital is the safest, lowest risk option) to a feeling of security (homebirth is now the low risk option, and I wish I'd pursued it first time around). I have developed a strong belief in home births and what they represent as having faith in healthy women being able to have children themselves, with the guidance of an experienced midwife, and without, what seems at times unnecessary intervention to speed things along according to a perhaps arbitrary timetable. I am a convert.
The biggest shift in the last week has been a strong feeling of wanting my daughter (2y 7mo) to remain at home when I have the new baby.
Friday, 24 February 2012
Monday, 20 February 2012
Navel gazing? Well, its hard not to
I am a day away from 35 weeks pregnant, and my tummy size reflects it. So yes, thinking about being pregnant and the baby due to make an appearance next month is never far from my mind! Keeping myself balanced, centred, is a continued struggle however, with my overthinking habit: it is enjoyable but needs reining in too. I think I'm getting there though (and just in time!).na·vel-gaz·ing /ˈneɪvəlˌgeɪzɪŋ/
n. Slang
Excessive introspection, self-absorption, or concentration on a single issue
Monday, 13 February 2012
Quick update on old blogs: Where we are now
I'm aware that I haven't followed up on some of the old blogs to say how things have progressed since, so am going to use this post as a quick review of the last year, feeding back on any points I previously left open. [There aren't actually very many].
Guest Blog Call Out
Thursday, 2 February 2012
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