Monday, 23 April 2012

Labour saving

A recent paper published in the British Medical Journal reported the cost effectiveness of home births, particularly for those expecting their second and subsequent children.  Links to the paper and a BBC news article included below, and a little splurge by me covering the costs (of many forms) associated with intervention vs. no intervention (i.e., a normal birth).

Oxford study source: Schroeder et al., (2012). Cost effectiveness of alternative planned places of birth in woman at low risk of complications: evidence from the Birthplace in England national prospective cohort study. BMJ 2012;344:e2292. For the abstract summary please see end of this blog*.

BBC news: Home births are more 'cost effective', says Oxford study

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

New labour

In my most recent blog, I unravelled over my expectation that I would be induced again, as I was with Abigail. I'd had an awful day (though I'd bet that my husband got it worse than me): I was crying one minute (blaming myself for labour not starting because I was getting too stressed), argumentative and touchy over little things the next (messy kitchen that wouldn't be fit if I did go into labour anyway etc.,). Abbie was all over the place too - crying and stubbornness from her as well. I'd call it the storm before the storm - just like pets seem to know when the weather is changing, we were both affected and B was firefighting the best he could. After a day like that I wanted to write it all down for catharsis. It helped too, and I also managed to consume a huge bag of doritos at the same time! About half an hour after publishing the induction prediction blog, my contractions started all by themselves. It goes without saying how much this meant and how lucky I felt. Here's what happened.

Friday, 6 April 2012

41 weeks + 3 days, and approaching agoraphobia

I'm sitting upright, eating chilli heatwave doritos and listening to the Rolling Stones "Beast of Burden" and winding down after a pretty mad day of 'yes, still pregnant; no, no signs of anything starting, yes, I am massive, aren't I?' (so mad in fact that I didn't venture outside because I just didn't want to have those well meaning conversations. Just can't not look pregnant now, so can't avoid talking about it (as much as I usually love the chats, just lost the confidence today)). Although I've been pretty fired up to be clear on who I am and where we're going with this second pregnancy after the induced delivery last time, the flame of self-assurance has been dying down with the days passing and induction date at hospital looming.

Monday, 2 April 2012

40 weeks + 6 days, and a few million thoughts

This blog is an opportunity to round up the many, and I imagine typical, thoughts going around about my imminent birth. Including birth plans, particularly my intentions to have my little girl stay at home  (see Being Around), and the valued reading I've been doing, namely, of pregnancy and birth affirmations that have helped me clear up my plans for these post due date weeks, and of yoga breathing techniques for use in labour. Altogether, these thoughts all point to how it all comes back to instincts (again). I am incapable of succinct blogs, unlike my superb guest bloggers, so please bear with me!

Joni Mitchell - A Case of You