It isn't procrastinating, it is just not being in the right moment. I'd have alot to say about various things, but those moments of inspiration have passed - we're through the labour, newborn, weaning stages - things I didn't write about at the time, but would be less energetically written about if I did it now. So I'm waiting for inspiration, but also on the internet alot less anyway. While the weather's good I'm out and about during the days and getting on with time at home in the evenings (sitting on the laptop in front of my husband when we've hardly seen each other all week isn't really fair). My new time outs during Abbie's naps extend to internet time too - although I like checking my emails, facebook etc, it does take time and before I know it, I haven't really switched off, so when it comes to procrastination, I suppose I do procrastinate over internet duties.
Things I'm enjoying this month:
1. Walks near the house (there are a number of walks near here - country lanes, farms, train depots, reservoir), though all during the day (see). We also went for an 8 1/2 mile walk in the Peak District on Saturday - B carried Abbie on the rucksack carrier. It was beautiful (and plenty of exercise). We walked around Macclesfield Forest and Wildboarclough (Cheshire/Derbyshire border).
2. Abbie's continued word-learning. We have Daddy, Mummy, Ball, Bubble, Nappy, and sounds in between. She's developing a range of sounds for words (brrmm brmmm for trains, cars, tractors, helicopters, planes), roar (lion), wack wack (duck), baa, clip-clop, moo, uf uf (dog) etc. The walks provide lots to talk about too.
3. Learning about economical cooking. I got this book out of the library "Economy Gastronomy", which has so far, produced some delicious and different meals. You tend to buy one bedrock, e.g., a joint of ham, and from there, get three or four meals out of it, plus stock for other recipes. It helps prevent food waste and planning meals so you can get the most out of them for the least amount of money. I'm really enjoying it, though have alot more to learn. We have found a local butcher's too, so trying to stick to getting the bedrock meats from there, instead of the supermarket.
4. Finding company. I really appreciate the friends I've made through my NCT classes and pre-natal yoga sessions I did when pregnant. Although many Mums are now working, the stay at home mums have been a real support in my change over. I really enjoy (and so does Abigail) the days when we get to meet up and spend the day together in our homes or out and about. I think that keeping in touch with other Mums is very important, for support and ideas as we learn our parenting lives and just for fun too. Thank you Mums.
5. Trying to avoid using the car. With fuel costs I think this point explains itself.
A few roses (though I think some died over the winter), climbers (clematis, honeysuckle, jasmine, climbing rose), trees (apple, acer, magnolia, tree peonies, oak (though I think its got a deadly disease)), herbs (thyme, rosemary, sage, oregano, fennel, dill, marjoram), bulbs (daffodils, tulips, crocuses) and some shrubs to beef it up a bit (mock orange blossom, ornamental quince, ceonothus, witch hazel, fuschia, cytisus).
Its great being outside and Abigail loves it too - she tends to sit on the soil, digging and moving stones about, she was planting clothes pegs the other day. [If anyone wants to give us any cuttings, please do!].
In the future, I'd like it for us to have a cold frame and greenhouse and a water butt. So far we have a compost bin, so we're on the way. I'm learning alot as I go along, but also sadly losing quite alot of plants in the process. I bought a bumper 24 perennials from Thompson & Morgan, and so far, about 8 survived - alot of it was being dug up by the cats pooing in the garden...
This is turning into a gardening blog, maybe it will become one? Hopefully I can incorporate my hobbies into my days with Abigail and we can learn together.
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